Initially, NAARAP plans to pursue the following three major interventions and link them to GFAR and APAARI processes at the national, regional and global levels:
1. To participate actively in determining the direction, content and conduct of ARD at national, regional and international levels
2. To generate, document and share knowledge, experiences, expertise, and replicate successful practices and lessons learned in engaging with ARD
3. To document the entire partnership process in ARD and to develop possible modalities to above with farmers ARD experiences in their local languages. The specific goals and objectives under each of above three interventions should be:
I. Regional NGO Priorities in ARD
NGO competencies in ARD were identified and areas where they could contribute were articulated:
Linking Small Farm Holders, NGOs, CSOs and Agri Research systems (ARS), small farm holders and other clientele groups (e.g. women, rural youth, etc.) at the national, regional and international levels
* NGOs be involved in the planning, budgeting and decision making process of ARS (National, Regional and international), to reflect needs of NGOs/CSOs and SFHs in their research plans and priorities.
* Conduct farmer-participatory research on SFHs’ technologies, backed with science and required documentation for adoption by ARS.
* Enable on farm production of inputs to facilitate adoption and replication of successful technologies by SFHs.
* Facilitate access by SFHs to information, appropriate technologies, expert data banks and ARIs.
Impact Assessment and Advocating Policy Changes
* Identify constraints to adoption and advocate policy changes needed to remove the constraints.
* Assess outcomes and impact of technologies on SFHs and document, share with key stakeholders.
Thus, the following agenda have been identified by NAARAP: i) technology development, ii) sustainable natural resource management, iii) facilitating farmers’ access to markets and other support services, and iv) agenda for overall partnership.